
Disgaea (2x save file) on one PS2 memory card. NTSC or PAL available. These are save files, game is not included, game is required to use these save files.
The save files include:
• Disgaea Hour of Darkness
Defeat the final boss to get good ending.
• Disgaea 2 Cursed Memories
All story characters, all characters at Lv. 9999 equipped from head to toe with Lv. 200 ultimate equipment, and all characters doing millions of damage. Dark World and Land of Carnage unlocked.
Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs) PS2:
Q: Is the game included in any way?
A: No. You are required to have the game in order to use these save files.
Q: What is the return policy?
A: If your item was lost or does not function, we will re-ship you the item. Otherwise, all sales are final.
Q: Does my game system have to be modded to use these save files?
A: No.
Q: Will the PS2 game-saves on PS2 memory card work on any model PS2?
A: Yes, however the game-save of an NTSC game requires an NTSC system. NTSC is the region for North America (USA/Canada/Mexico). PAL is the region for Europe, Australia etc. In short, NTSC save files require an NTSC game system.
Q: Do the original Xbox save files require my Xbox to be soft-modded or modded in any way?
A: No.
Q: Will the image of the game logo be on the memory card?
A: No. The image on the memory card is just to promote the listing.
Q: Can I request a game-save file that is not listed?
A: Yes, contact us.